The project aims to introduce a new way of drinking tea or another warm drink (with sugars), replacing the spoon. A ceramic ball is the simplest shape, where this hygienical and qualitative material finds its place.
The ball is put into a glass built with special shapes. Then we have to pour some infused tea into it for example: the liquid pushes the ball and invites users to move it by moving the glass. The ceramic ball comes to mix all various sugars, ringing the glass at the same time. When we drink, this ball is blocked by gravity in the recess of the glass, moreover, its shape is too big to be ingested.
This is a different and amusing way to use ceramic.
Function creates a new gestural and aesthetic appeal.”
by Florian Dussopt + Jérémie Reneau
thanks to
CIAV, Centre International d’Art Verrier / glassblower
Cité du Design St Etienne-Brasil
Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil São Paulo
São Paulo, Brazil
from 30/11/2009 to 31/01/2010
Cité du Design St Etienne-Brasil
Centro Cultural Teatro Guaíra
Curitiba, Brazil
from 22/10 to 21/11/2009
Cité du Design St Etienne-Brasil
Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
from 03/09 to 04/10/2009
Cité du Design St Etienne-Brasil
Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil Brasília
Brasília, Brazil
from 13/07 to 23/08/2009
Singapore Design Week
Red dot design museum
december, 2007
Design map
Fabrique 5000, St Etienne, FRANCE
from october 17 – 28, 2007
London Design Festival
Designersblock / Designboom
co/The Nicholls & Clarke Buildings
3-10 Shoreditch High Street
from september 19 – 23, 2007