Johnston Twitter Machine for Design Junction
Exhibition runs: 22-25 September 2016
6-8 Stable Street, King's Cross, London N1C 4AB
*Lowercase only. 70 characters maximum, a-z letters and .,!?
Given the democratic nature of the Johnston font, TfL and KK Outlet have commissioned
Florian Dussopt to create a bespoke twitter machine to include as many people in the exhibition as possible.
Using the Johnston font the specially designed and created Twitter Machine will print all tweets featuring #inspiredby live at
DesignJunction King's Cross. Dussopt’s Twitter Machine will function as a low-fi printing press which is linked direct to the #inspiredby hashtag on twitter.
The audience are encouraged to tweet their 70 character inspiration and join in the conversation.
Images of the Johnston Twitter Machine
Press pack
Tickets to DesignJunction
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